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New October - December 2021 Fruits and Vegetables Benefit Increase Toolkit

Starting October 2021, a new temporary Fruits and Vegetables Benefit increase is available through the end of December 2021. The new monthly dollar amounts for eligible individuals are:

  • $24 for children between ages 1 to 5
  • $43 for pregnant and postpartum individuals
  • $47 for fully and partially breastfeeding individuals

For example, a family with one breastfeeding parent and three eligible children would get $119 ($47+24+24+24) each month through December for fruits and vegetables. 

Benefits are good for 30 days from the date they are issued. For example, a Fruits and Vegetables Benefit issued on December 27, 2021 can be used through January 26, 2022.

The new benefit increase amounts are in accordance with recommendations from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and are consistent with longstanding advice in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of a variety of nutrients critical to improving maternal and child health outcomes. Eating fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet reduces the risk of chronic disease, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and strengthens the immune system.

Help get the word out with the communications toolkit promoting California WIC's new October to December 2021 Fruits and Vegetables benefit increase. The toolkit includes social media posts, mobile-friendly flyers, sample talking points, and sample text messaging.

Toolkit Contents:

  1. Talking Points
  2. Flyers
  3. Social Media
  4. Sample Text Messages

Talking Points

For communications with WIC participants, media, or the public via email, telephone, video conferencing, and/or in-person.

Elevator Message: Fruits and vegetables are vital for healthy nutrition to support growing and learning children. The Fruits and Vegetables Benefit is temporarily increased, and we want to get the word out to families.

Background Facts:

 WIC families receive a monthly cash-value Fruits and Vegetables Benefit on their California WIC Card for fruits and vegetables purchases.

The June-September Fruits and Vegetables Benefit increase has been extended through December 2021 with new dollar amounts.

 The new temporary monthly WIC Fruits and Vegetables Benefit are the following amounts:

  • $24 for children age one to five
  • $43 for pregnant and postpartum individuals
  • $47 for breastfeeding individuals.

The new temporary benefit increase amounts are in accordance with recommendations from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and are consistent with longstanding advice in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The new temporary Fruits and Vegetables Benefit increase will be issued for 3 months, from October 1, 2021 through the end of December 31, 2021. In January, the benefit amount will return to $11 for pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum individuals and $9 for children 1 to 5 years old.

Each monthly benefit is good for 30 days from the date issued. This means families may be able to use their extra benefits after December 2021. For example, benefits issued on December 27, 2021 can still be used through January 26, 2022.

Families should start seeing the new temporary Fruits and Vegetables Benefit increase during the month of October. (Applicable for month of October.) Families should not worry if the increases for November and December are not reflected in their WIC Food Balance yet. Their benefit amount will be updated to reflect the increase.

Families can buy fresh, dried, canned, and frozen fruits and vegetables in any brand, type, or combination with their Fruits and Vegetables Benefit. Organic fruits and vegetables are included. Families can consult the WIC Authorized Food List Shopping Guide or WIC App for more information on approved WIC foods.

The Cash Value Fruits and Vegetables Benefit can be used at any approved WIC store or any farmer currently accepting the WIC Card. Families can find approved WIC vendors and farmers accepting the WIC Card on the website.

Check for more information, contact your local WIC office, or contact the CDPH WIC Division State Office: Email: Call toll free: (800) 852-5770.


WIC local agencies and WIC program partners can download the following mobile-friendly flyers for promoting the new WIC Fruits and Vegetables Benefit Increase.

ā€‹CVB Winter 2021 Flyer - English


Social Media


Copy and paste the text to share on your social media platforms to promote the new WIC Fruits and Vegetables Benefit Increase.


To use associated images, click on the "image" button to enlarge the image, then right click and "save as." You will now be able to upload this higher resolution image to your social media site.



#CaliforniaWIC #WIC #WhatIsWIC #PublicHealth #WICWorks #Health4All #FruitsAndVegetables #FruitsAndVeggies #FarmersMarket #EatYourVegetables #NourishingFoods #PlantFoods #MoreVeggies #MoreFruits #WhatsOnMyPlate #Health #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyLife #HealthyChoices #HealthyFood #HealthyCalifornia #Nutrition #NutritionMatters #NutritionTips #GetMoreWithWIC #WICFamilies #WorkingFamilies


#WICdeCalifornia #WIC #QuĆ©esWIC #SaludPĆŗblica #WICFunciona #SaludParaTodos #FrutasyVerduras #MercadoAgrĆ­cola #ComaSusVeduras #AlimentosNutritivos #AlimentosdePlantas #MĆ”sVerduras #MĆ”sFrutas #QuĆ©HayenMiPlato # Salud #EstilodeVidaSaludable #VidaSaludable # OpcionesSaludables # ComidaSana #CaliforniaSaludable #NutriciĆ³n #LaNutriciĆ³nImporta #ConsejosdeNutriciĆ³n #ObtengaMĆ”sconWIC #FamiliasdeWIC #FamiliasTrabajadoras

Sample Text Messages

Copy, paste, and customize the following content samples to personally message clients and community members about the new WIC Fruits and Vegetables Benefit Increase.


1.  Learn more about the new increase to the Fruits and Vegetables Benefit at (94 characters)

2.  Have you used your Fruits and Vegetables Benefit this month? Learn about new benefit amounts at (116 characters)

3.  Oct-Dec: Families can enjoy the new fruits and veggies benefit increase! Visit for more information. (120 characters)

4.  Time to use those extra fruits and veggies benefits before they expire! Got questions? Visit (113 characters)

5.  Get extra fruits and veggies from Oct through Dec! Learn more about the new benefit increase at (116 characters)

6.  Shop for more fruits and vegetables Oct through Dec with your Fruits and Vegetables Benefit. Find approved grocers and farmers at (150 characters)

7.  NEW! Increases to the Fruits and Vegetables Benefit extended with new amounts. Find out more at (116 characters)

8.  Stock up on more fruits and vegetables this fall! Learn more about the new Fruits and Vegetables increase at (129 characters)

9.  The new monthly fruits and veggies amount is $24 for children, $43 if pregnant and postpartum, and $47 if breastfeeding. Learn more: (153 characters)

10.  Used your family's Fruits and Vegetable Benefit this month? Find approved grocers or farmers on your WIC App or at (135 characters)

11.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Use your increased WIC benefits to make your family's favorite recipes for the holiday! (148 characters)

12.  Tangerines, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts are delicious fruits and veggies in season now. Shop your holiday groceries today with your WIC Card! (150 characters)

13.  During Oct, Nov, and Dec, families will see a new increase to their monthly Fruits and Vegetables Benefit! For more info: (142 characters)

14.  Shop with your WIC card to make delicious meals today. Families get extra fruits and veggie benefits through Dec! (134 characters)

15.  Families get extra fruits and veggies benefits through Dec! Visit for more info. (100 characters)


1.  Obtenga mĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre el nuevo incremento en el beneficio para frutas y verduras en (112 characters)

2.  ĀæHa usado su beneficio para frutas y verduras este mes? InfĆ³rmese sobre los nuevos montos del beneficio en (127 characters)

3.  Ā”Las familias pueden disfrutar del nuevo incremento del beneficio para frutas y verduras de octubre a diciembre! Visite para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n. (161 characters)

4.  Ā”Es momento de usar los beneficios adicionales para frutas y verduras antes de que expiren! ĀæTiene preguntas? Visite (137 characters)

5.  Ā”Adquiera mĆ”s frutas y verduras de octubre a diciembre! InfĆ³rmese sobre el nuevo incremento en el beneficio en (131 characters)

6.  Compre mĆ”s frutas y verduras de octubre a diciembre con su beneficio para frutas y verduras. Encuentre tiendas y agricultores aprobados en (159 characters)

7.  Ā”NUEVO! Se han extendido los incrementos del beneficio para frutas y verduras con nuevos montos. Encuentre mĆ”s informaciĆ³n en (146 characters)

8.  Ā”AbastĆ©zcase de mĆ”s frutas y verduras este otoƱo! Obtenga mĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre el nuevo incremento para frutas y verduras en (146 characters)

9.  El nuevo monto mensual para frutas y verduras es $24 para niƱos, $43 para personas embarazadas o en postparto y $47 en periodo de lactancia. Info: (166 characters)

10.  ĀæHa usado su beneficio para frutas y verduras este mes? Encuentre las tiendas o los agricultores aprobados en la aplicaciĆ³n de WIC o en (156 characters)

11.  El DĆ­a de AcciĆ³n de Gracias estĆ” cerca. Ā”Use el incremento en sus beneficios de WIC para preparar las recetas favoritas de su familia para este dĆ­a! (169 characters)

12.  Algunas deliciosas frutas y verduras de temporada son mandarinas, batatas y coles de Bruselas. Ā”Haga hoy sus compras para este dĆ­a festivo con su tarjeta WIC! (158 characters)

13.  Durante octubre, noviembre y diciembre las familias verĆ”n un nuevo incremento en su beneficio mensual para frutas y verduras. InformaciĆ³n adicional: (169 characters)

14.  Compre con su tarjeta WIC y prepare deliciosas comidas. Las familias tendrĆ”n beneficios adicionales para frutas y verduras hasta fines de diciembre. (168 characters)

15.  Ā”Las familias tendrĆ”n beneficios adicionales para frutas y verduras hasta fines de diciembre! Visite para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n. (142 characters)

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