Contact Us
Telephone: (510) 620-3620
Fax: (510) 620-3720
Helpline: (510) 981-4354
Members of the public may call (510) 981-4354 or email to request information or technical assistance with mold or other environmental health issues in which the Environmental Health Investigations Branch has expertise. An operator answers the helpline Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, and will refer you to staff who can assist you or take down your contact information for follow up within two business days. You can leave a message when the operator is not available.

Environmental Health Investigations Branch
California Department of Public Health
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Building P, 3rd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804-6403
For relay services for the hearing or speech impaired, please call: MCI from TDD 1-800-735-2929 or MCI from voice telephone 1-800-735-2922; Sprint from TDD 1-888-877-5378 or Sprint from voice telephone 1-888-877-5379