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Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health

AFL 11-17
June 24, 2011

Primary Care Clinics

Clinic Corporations and Affiliate Clinic Licensing

ā€‹AUTHORITY:      Health and Safety Code (HSC) Sections 1200, 1213, 1218.1 and 1218.3

ā€‹This letter is being sent to notify you of Senate Bill (SB) 442 (Chapter 502, Statutes of 2010), which affects primary care affiliate clinics licensed by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Licensing and Certification (L&C) Program.

Section 1200(b)(3) of the Health and Safety Code defines "clinic corporation" as a non- profit organization that operates one or more primary care clinics or mobile health care units.

Under existing law, primary care clinics that have held a valid, unrevoked, and unsuspended license for at least the immediately preceding five years, with no demonstrated history of repeated or uncorrected violations of the chapter or any regulation adopted that poses immediately jeopardy to a patient, and that has no pending action to suspend or revoke its license may file an application for an additional site which is known as an affiliate clinic.

As chaptered, SB 442 designates the clinic corporation (formerly known as the parent clinic) as the administrative headquarters for the affiliate clinics operated by that clinic corporation. This provides the department with a central location for all communications for the affiliate clinics operated by the clinic corporation.

Effective January 1, 2011, the new provisions allow the clinic corporation to:

  • use a simple application form for each new affiliate clinic location,
  • submit a single report of change for all applicable affiliate clinics operated by the clinic corporation, and
  • submit a single payment for all primary care clinics operated by the clinic corporation, whose renewal fees are due within the same month.

CDPH L&C District Offices are now required to maintain a corporate file for each clinic corporation that includes specific information that applies to all affiliate clinics operated by the clinic corporation, which will eliminate the need for submission of duplicate information for each clinic.

The application request letter, checklist, and new Affiliate Clinic Application Form are located on the departmentā€™s website at:

L&C - Applications for Licensing and/or Certification of Health Care Facility or Agency

The information in this All Facilities Letter is a brief summary of HSC Sections 1200, 1213, 1218.1 and 1218.3. Facilities are responsible for following all applicable laws and regulations. CDPHā€™s failure to notify facilities of legislative changes does not relieve facilities of their responsibility for following all laws and for being aware of all legislative changes. Facilities should refer to the full text of the HSC Sections 1200, 1213, 1218.1 and 1218.3 to ensure compliance.

If you have any questions, please contact your respective L&C District Office.



Original Signed by Pamela Dickfoss

Pamela Dickfoss
Acting Deputy Director

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