Research & Data
WIC Local Agency Information
In California, 84 WIC agencies provide services locally to nearly 1 million participants each month at over 500 sites throughout the state. CDPH/WIC Division funds these local agencies to provide nutrition and food services to participants, as well as provides funding for special projects. Resources are available to locate local agencies, display the funding allocations, and describe local agency special funded projects.
The WIC Mobile website was developed to provide participants with an easy way to access WIC information from
their smartphones. The WIC Mobile website includes the following features:
- WIC eligibility and services information
- WIC clinic search with map
- Days and hours of clinic operation, with local agency participant line phone number
- WIC grocer search
- WIC Authorized Food List
- Issued food instruments (up to 3 months)
The Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) Branch offers an interactive mapping application using an internet-based Geographic Information System (GIS) that allows users to view and query mapped WIC Local Agency locations.