Cannabis-Related Calls to the California Poison Control System, 2016ā2022āā
Graphs are available for three different types of data:
Intention: This includes the intention of cannabis exposure. The categories are: Intentional, Unintentional, and Unknown or Other.
Mode: This includes different methods of cannabis use, which are not mutually exclusive. The categories are: Dried Plant, Edible Preparation, Concentrated Extract, E-cigarettes, and Unknown or Other (which includes Unknown, Oral Capsule or Pill, Topical, Undried Plant, or Other Preparation). Find more information about
how cannabis is used.
Sex: This includes information about the patientās sex. The categories are: female and male. These categories when combined may not equal the total number of calls because of missing sex information for some patients.
How to Use:
There are two ways you can view the dashboard: 1)
number of calls (First tab) and 2)
rate of calls (Second tab). For the rate of calls, the crude rate is available for all age groups, and the age-adjusted rate is presented for the overall population only.
To view the data, select each filter on the menu on the right side: Colorblind, Data, Age Group (for top graph only) or Year (for bottom graph only), and Which Rate? (second tab only).
Colorblind: Select āYesā to the colorblind filter to change the color palette of the graphs to ensure ease of viewing.
Data: Select intention, mode, or sex data from this menu.
Age Group: The data can be viewed by the overall population (i.e., all ages) or by patient age group by selecting different age ranges.
Year: The data can be viewed by year of cannabis-related calls by selecting one or more years for number of calls and one year for rate of calls.
Which Rate?: The data can be viewed by either crude rate (for available age groups and for overall population) or age-adjusted rate (for overall population only).