California Breathing
About Us
California Breathing is housed in the California Department of Public Health's Environmental Health Investigations Branch. Consistent with the priorities of the Branch, California Breathing focuses on disease tracking and developing interventions that improve environmental conditions that cause or worsen asthma in the most vulnerable populations.
California Breathing won the EPA's 2009 Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management. The EPA acknowledged California Breathing's leadership in addressing environmental triggers and coordination of community services as part of comprehensive management of asthma. California Breathing and its partners have had major accomplishments in collective efforts to advance the current and previous Strategic Plan for Asthma in California.
The accomplishments reflect California Breathing's socio-ecologic approach to reducing the burden of asthma, spanning across individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy levels. Many of the accomplishments focus on the environment, which mirrors California Breathing's strong belief in primary prevention and upstream approaches to reducing the burden of asthma.