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Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory

Test Order ā€‹ā€‹
Novel/Avian Influenza Virus Detection (human) - PCRā€‹ā€‹

Information Category Information Detail
Prior approval is required to ship these samples for testing.

Pre-approval is required of any novel/avian influenza test requests prior to specimens being sent to VRDL for testing. VRDL will not test unapproved suspect Novel/Avian Influenza specimens. Contact your local public health department and CDPH (ā€‹ā€‹) for pre-approval information.

Submitters must coordinate deliveries with VRDL ( before shipping. VRDL will not test any suspect Novel/Avian Influenza specimens that are received without prior coordination and tracking information.ā€‹
Pre-Approval Supplemental Information Requested
Please include in pre-approval request and on VRDL submittal forms:
  • Any potential exposure to wild and domestic animals, including pets (e.g., cats), and animal products (e.g., poultry, dairy cows, raw cow milk and raw cow milk products, raw meat-based pet food), or recent close contact with a symptomatic person with a probable or confirmed case of Influenza A(H5)
    • If no known exposure history, please indicate that as wellā€‹
  • Symptoms
  • Date of illness onset
  • County of residence
  • ā€‹Name and phone number of any initial testing laboratories
    • ā€‹Please include any real-time RT-PCR Ct values
Submittal Form
Specimens must be accompanied with a hard copy of the completed ā€‹VRDL General Purpose Specimen Submittal Formā€‹ā€‹ (PDF) or a form generated in the VRDL Lab Web Portalā€‹.
Methodology (Commercial Test Name or Laboratory Developed Test (LDT)) Real-time RT-PCR (CDC) (Diagnostic)
Reflex Testing Available
  • ā€‹ā€‹Seasonal Influenza A subtyping: A(H1)pdm09 and A(H3)
  • Novel Influenza: A(H5) and A(H7)
    • ā€‹Positive specimens will be sent to CDC for confirmatory testing
  • Influenza B typing and Influenza B Lineage Genotyping
Acceptable Specimen Type(s) and Collection Method Human specimens:
For individuals that meet clinical and epidemiologic criteria for influenza A(H5N1) with:

  • ā€‹Respiratory illness: the following specimens should be collected
    1. A nasal (NS) swab*
    2. An oropharyngeal (OP) swabā€‹ā€‹ā€‹*
    3. A nasopharyngeal (NP) swab
  • ā€‹ā€‹Conjunctivitis: the following specimens should be collected with or without respiratory symptoms
    1. A conjunctival (CS) swab,** and
    2. A nasal (NS) and oropharyngeal (OS) swab* and/or a nasopharyngeal (NP) swab
For all swab specimens, only swabs with a synthetic tip, such as nylon or Dacron and either aluminum or plastic shafts are acceptable for testing at the VRDL. We cannot accept cotton swabs with a wooden shaft.ā€‹

*NS and OP swabs may be combined into one vial with 2ā€“3 mL of either Viral Transport Medium (VTM) or Universal Transport Medium (UTM)

**If conjunctivitis is present in both eyes, collect separate swabs from each eye and combine the swabs in a single transport media vial with either VTM or UTM
Minimum Volume Requestedā€‹
Place swab specimens in 2ā€“3 mL of Viral Transport Medium (VTM) or Universal Transport Medium (UTM)

  • NS and OP swabs may be combined into one vial with 2ā€“3 mL of either VTM or UTM
  • ā€‹Separateā€‹ CS swabs from each eye may be combined in a single transport media vial with either VTM or UTM
Transport Medium (if using) Viral Transport Medium or Universal Transport Medium
Specimen Labeling Each specimen tube must be labeled with at least two unique patient identifiers, e.g., patient full name and date of birth.
Storage & Preservation of Specimen / Shipping Conditions
  • Freeze or refrigerate specimens after collection.

Ship refrigerated specimens to VRDL on cold packs. Ship frozen specimens to VRDL on dry ice.

Shipping Instructions
ā€‹Work with your local public health department to ensure samples are packaged according to instructions for Biological Substance ā€“ Category B (UN 3373) shipment.

Ship specimens overnight (Monday though Thursday) and a hard copy of the completed submittal forms to: 


ATTN: Specimen Receiving

850 Marina Bay Parkway Richmond, CA 94804

Phone: 510-307-8585

For urgent test requests after hours, please contact the VRDL Points of Contact listed below.

ā€‹Turnaround Time
2 Business Days

ā€‹Low viral load or co-infections may affect test results.

Calcium alginate swabs are unacceptable and cotton swabs with wooden shafts are unacceptable because they may cause false-negative results.

ā€‹ā€‹Negative results do not preclude the possibility of influenza virus infection.ā€‹
ā€‹Additional Information
Specimens should be collected as close to illness onset as possible.ā€‹

ā€‹Please visit our ā€‹ CDPH Human Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Quicksheetā€‹ (PDF) for more information.ā€‹

CDC resources:
ā€‹VRDL Points of Contact

VRDL Testing Coordinator: Alice Chen (510) 307-8585 

VRDL ā€‹Medical and Epidemiology Liaisons: (510) 307-8585 or

CDPH Center for Laboratory Sciences:ā€‹

ā€‹After Hours CDPH Duty Officer: (916) 328-3605

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