Facilities and Instruments
AQS maintains a wide array of laboratory and field instrumentation for environmental measurements. These equipment items are available for use by AQS staff and their collaborators:
- Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS)
- Markes Bench TOF MS with Agilent GC 7890B and Markes cold trap
- Thermal Desorption-GC/MS (TD-GC/MS): Markes TD-100, Agilent 7890B, Agilent 5977MSD
- Thermal Desorption-GC w/ dual Detector, Flame Ionization Detector (FID) & Flame Photometric Detector (FPD): Perkin Elmer Turbo Matrix; Agilent Technologies 6890N
- Agilent GC 7890B, Agilent 7000C GC/MS Triple Quad with Markes Centri platform
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (LC-MS):
Agilent LC1200 Series, Agilent 6420 Triple Quad
- High Performance Liquid Chromatography w/ Diode Array Detection (HPLC/DAD): Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity series HPLC
- Electron microscopy
- Computer-controlled environmental scanning electron microscope (CCSEM): FEI XL30 with SEMTech control system and Thermo NORAN System 7 EDS system with particle analysis and stage/column automation
- Computer-controlled field emission scanning electron microscope (CCFESEM): Tescan Variable Pressure FESEM with Bruker Quantax 200 EDS
- Transmission electron microscope (TEM): FEI Tecnai 12 TEM with STEM unit, Oxford AZtec EDS system with 80T X-MAX detector, and Gatan Orius SC200W (830) CCD camera
- Specimen preparation: Bal-tec MED-020 turbo evaporative coater with double carbon thread head
- X-ray fluorescence analyzer: Panalytical XRF Epsilon 5
- X-ray diffraction analyzer: Panalytical XRD X'Pert
- Microspectroscopy
Thermo Nicolet iN10-MX
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Microscope
- Thermo Nicolet Continuum FTIR Microscope with Nexus 470 Spectrometer
- Raman : Bruker Senterra
- Raman : Rensishaw Invia
- Optical microscopy
- Low-power, reflected light stereozoom microscopes with digital cameras (Leica)
- Polarized light microscope: Nikon E600POL PLM microscope with Nikon DS-Ri1 camera and DS-Ri1-U2 controller
- Phase contrast/differential interference contrast light microscope: Nikon E600 PCM / DIC microscope with Leica DFC 320 camera
- microwave digestion: CEM microwaves
- Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometer: Agilent Technologies 7700 Series ICP-MS
- Thermogravimetric Analyzer: TA InstrumentsQ500 TGA w/ Autosampler
Aerosol, PM and Gas Instruments/Meters
- Photoacoustic Multi-gas Monitor: INNOVA 1314, Denmark
- Photo Ionization Detector Volatile (PID) Organic Compound Monitor: RAE ppb RAE 3000, RAE U.S.A.
- Ozone Monitor: 2B Technologies Model 202 Serial #1012, U.S.A.
- PAH Monitor: PAS 2200CE, EcoChem, U.S.A.
- Black Carbon Monitor: microAeth AE51, AETHLABS, U.S.A.
- Handheld IAQ Monitor: Model 7575 Q-Trak, TSI, U.S.A.
- Sensors and Dataloggers for CO2, temperature and relative humidity
- Handheld moisture meters for detection of moisture penetration in building materials
- Nanoparticle sizer: TSI3914 NanoScan
- Airborne particle number monitor: LaserAir, Particle Measurement System Inc.
- Aerosol neutralizer: TSI Advanced Aerosol Neutralizer
- Particle Counter: TSI General Purpose Water Based CPC w/ Aerosol Instrument
- Airborne particle mass monitor: TSI SidePak
- Airborne particle mass monitor: BAM 1022, MetOne Instruments
- Airborne particle mass monitor: EBAM, MetOne Instruments
- Low-cost PM sensors: Purple Air, Clarity Node, APT
Air Samplers
- Federal Reference Method PM2.5 Sampler: Tisch Environmental
- VOC canister samplers
- VOC sorbent tube samplers
- DNPH samplers for formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds
- Passive PM samplers: RJLG UNC-PAS
- Dichotomous air samplers
Air Sampling Pumps and Equipment
- SKC Air Check XR 5000
- SKC Pocket Pump
- SKC Leland Legacy
- Flow Calibrator: The mini Buck Calibrator, Model M-5, A.P. Buck, U.S.A.
- Mass flow controllers and mass flow meters with various measurement ranges
Environmental Chambers
- Large Chamber (stainless steel): 29.0 m3 (W x D x H = 3450 mm x 3450 mm x 2440 mm)
- Medium Chamber (glass): 1 m3
- Small Chambers (stainless steel): 56L, 20L
- MicroChamber/Thermal Extractor: Markes International M-CTE250TI
- Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC)
- Thermal Imaging Camera: FLIR E-50 BX, U.S.A.
- Thermal Imaging Camera: FLIR Model T440 with 2X 50 Ī¼m close-up lens, U.S.A.
- Single cigarette/e-cigarette smoking machine: CSM-STEP, E-STEP, CH Technologies Inc., U.S.A.
- Universal Vaping Machine, Gram Health Inc, U.S.A.
- Portable Zero-Air Generator: Perma Pure, U.S.A.
- Calibration Gas Generator: Model 450 Dynacalibrator, VICI Metronics, U.S.A.
- Electromagnetic field (EMF) Spectrometers and Dosimeters: NARDA SRM-3006, NARDA 550
- Radiation (Ī±, Ī², Ī³) monitor: BNC 935
- Analytical microbalances (Mettler, Sartorius, Cahn) and environment-controlled balance room