This toolkit is designed for workers in multiple industries across California. Please share broadly with your network! Each social media card and banner explores COVID-19 workplace safety requirements or shares information about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Please add these standard size banners to your websites in order to direct workers to important workplace health and safety information on Safer At Work, a site for workers and employers.
1366x2726Download Full size (jpeg)
1366x1139Download Full size (jpeg)
Use this copy in conjunction with the below social media images
COVID-19 and Workers Social Media Messaging (pdf)
To use these images, click on each one to enlarge the image, then right click and "save as."
To use these images, click on each one to enlarge the images, then right click and "save as."
If you are having difficulty accessing this content please contact CDPH at to request this information in an alternate format.