Forms and Supporting Documents
Additional Instructions
(Each form listed also has instructions on the form)
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Letter on company letterhead with the following information:
- License number
- Facility name and address
- Facility ID number (if known)
- Brief description of request
- Contact information (name, title, phone number, and
email address)
- Emergency Contact Information (name, email, alternate email, phone, fax, and phone number that will receive text messages). The Department will use this information to contact the provider in the event of an emergency using the California Health Alert Network (CAHAN). All information provided must allow CAHAN to contact the provider on a 24/7/365 basis for distribution of health alerts. For additional information: CAHAN (ā)
- Contact Information for the Privacy Officer or Designee responsible for submitting and responding to medical breach incidents (name, title/position, mailing address, phone number, and email address)
- Signature
HS 200 (PDF, 1.5MB)
Licensure & Certification Application
[Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 485.56]
Supporting Documents
B.3 ā Organizational Chart - Owner Type
[42 CFR sections 420.201, 485.56]
Submit an organizational chart if the owner is a for profit corporation, nonprofit corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or general partnership. The organizational chart needs to display the following:
- Applicantās owners, including ownership percentages, Tax IDs/EINs and all directors, board members, corporate officers, LLC, members/managers, and/or partners
āNote: Submit the HS 215A form for each of these individualsā
- Parent company of applicant, if applicable, and all the licensed agencies/facilities it is operating - see B.6
Supporting Documents
B.6 ā Organizational Chart
[42 CFR sections 420.201, 485.56]
If licensee is a
subsidiary of another organization, an organizational chart must be submitted
Supporting Documents
Indirect Ownership Purchase Agreement
Submit a purchase, merger, transfer, or sales agreement
HS 215A (PDF)
Applicant Individual Information
[42 CFR sections 420.201, 455.101, 455.104, 485.56]
This form must be completed and signed for the following individuals:
- Owners, directors, board members, corporate officers (Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer), LLC members/managers, and partners of the parent, grandparent, great grandparent, and etc. organization, if applicable
- Each individual having a beneficial interest of exceeding five percent or more in the applicant organization and/or parent, grandparent, great grandparent, and etc. organization
- Section B ā List applicantās legal name, nature of involvement to the facility, date of birth, driverās license or state-issued identification number and expiration date, social security number
- Section E ā Submit ten years of employment history, indicating the start and end dates of employment, job title, employer name and address. The applicant may submit a resume in lieu of completing section E; however, the resume must contain all required information requested in section E
- Section F ā If answering yes to any question in this section, complete and attach the facility information sheet (section H)
Supporting Documents
Facility Information Sheet
Each individual must complete and submit the Facility Information Sheet for each facility and/or agency with which the individual has a current or past relationship within the last three years. This sheet must also include any facilities licensed by the California Department of Social Services. The following must be completed for each facility and/or agency:
- Facility name
- Facility address
- Type of facility
- Type of business entity (include EIN Number)
- Individualās nature of involvement
- Individualās dates of involvement
HS 309 Page 1 (PDF)
Administrative Organization
[42 CFR sections 420.201, 485.56]
- Corporations complete page one
- Do not submit any attachments
HS 309 2nd Page (PDF)
Organizational Structure
Only complete fields that are applicable to applicantās entity type
- Page 2, item 1 ā Health care districts will fill in the circle for other