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State of Californiaā€”Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health

AFL 07-22
August 3, 2007

Adult Day Health Care Centers

Altered or Suspension of Operations During Budget Impasse

This memorandum is in response to Adult Day Health Care Providers who request to alter or suspend operation during the current budget impasse. The California Department of Public Health (CDHP) Licensing and Certification Program (L&C), recognizes the hardship the impasse may have on some providers. With that in mind, the CDPH in conjunction with the California Department of Aging (CDA) has developed a plan with two options to assist ADHC providers during this time. If the provider chooses to implement one of the options, the provider must notify the appropriate L&C District Office in writing.

Option 1: Reduce the number of days and/or hours of operation.

California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 78403 requires centers to submit a Plan of Operations:

  • The provider must submit a written request to L&C, District Office for a change in its plan of operation.
  • The provider must submit a current plan of operation.
  • The plan must disclose the number of participants to be served.
  • The provider must continue to provide the basic services as required.
  • The plan must include the staffing pattern during the change in operation.

Option 2: Place the license in voluntary suspension on a short term basis.

To place the license in voluntary suspension on a short-term basis, per the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 78233:

  • The provider must submit a written request to L&C, District Office to place the license in suspense.
  • The provider must have a current license and must pay any renewal fees that come due while the license is suspense.
  • The provider must submit a current discharge plan to L&C, District Office.
  • The provider must submit a plan for reinstatement of the license and participant readmission to L&C, District Office.

This plan was developed to minimize or prevent a disruption of services to the participants and meet the needs of the providers during this time. For additional information, please contact one of the following: 

  1. Orange County L&C District Office at (714) 456-0630.
  2. San Jose L&C District Office at (408) 277-1784. 
  3. CDA, ADHC Branch, at (916) 419-7545



Original Signed by Kathleen Billingsley, R.N.

Kathleen Billingsley, R.N.
Deputy Director
Center For Healthcare Quality

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