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Chronic disease control branch

ā€‹ā€‹Preventive Medicine Residency Program

Frequently Asked Questions

What does each year of preventive medicine residency training consist of?

Preventive Medicine Year 1 (PGY2 for those entering with a PGY1: Coursework in epidemiology, biostatistics, health services and administration, environmental health, and behavioral aspects of health to obtain a Master of Public Health degree. This takes place at one of the affiliated California schools of public health. Residents also complete 320 hours of clinic during this year.

Preventive Medicine Year 2 (PGY3 for those entering with a PGY1 and having completed the PGY2 in our program): Placement in a public health department to learn and apply skills of public health: biostatistics and epidemiology, public health practice and administration (program and policy development, implementation, and evaluation; financial and human resources administration), social and behavioral medicine, clinical preventive services, and specific public health program areas (e.g., communicable disease, chronic disease and injury control, maternal and child health, environmental and occupational health). While supervision is maintained via a site preceptor and the program staff, residents are allowed to assume progressively increasing responsibility for public health activities and clinical experience according to their level of training, ability and experience. During the PGY3 year, residents complete a scientific and quantitative major project in a public health/preventive medicine topic of the residentā€™ā€‹s choice. They also complete projects related to patient safety and quality improvement, in addition to completing 320 hours of clinic.

How much are residents paid?

Residents are hired as Postdoctoral Scholars by the University of California, Davis (UCD) via an interagency agreement with the Preventive Medicine Residency Program. The PM1 resident annual stipend ranges from approximately $66,868 to $74,569. The PM2 resident annual stipend ranges from approximately $69,342 to $77,327. No additional payment will be made for health insurance or any related educational expenses. Health insurance is provided through the University of California. Some travel reimbursement is also provided each year for residents to participate in conferences or other learning opportunities.

Residents hired as Postdoctoral Scholars through UCD are hired under the Universityā€™s policies. The IRS does not require the University to report scholarship or fellowship grants for U.S. citizens or resident aliens; however, recipients of nonqualified scholarships and fellowship amounts should be advised that such amounts are taxable and that it may be advisable for the recipients to make estimated tax payments. The recipients will not receive form 1099-Misc or W-2. It is recommended that residents consult a Tax Preparer or Accountant for information on reporting taxes. 

Does the Preventive Medicine Residency Program have specific goals for residents to achieve?

CDPH PMRP is a flexible program that is tailored to each residentā€™ā€‹s individual goals. However, the residency experience is framed around a set of specific milestones/competencies (PDF) to be achieved before graduation. The American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) and the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) have developed a list of competencies and milestones in General Preventive Medicine/Public Health which each preventive medicine resident shall work towards mastering during their PM1 and PM2 years. Mastery of a specific competency is achieved through a combination of coursework completed in the MPH program and practical work experience. The milestones will be used to determine successful completion of the residency, the quality of the training, and eligibility for the Preventive Medicine Board Exam. These milestones also fulfill ACGME requirements for preventive medicine residency programs. Finally, the chart can be used by each resident as a record of their skills, experience, and expertise relevant to pursue employment positions after completion of the residency.

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