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Chronic disease control branch

General Preventive Medicine/Public Health Residency Program ā€‹ā€‹

Application Requirements

  • United States citizenship or possession of a green card permitting permanent residence in the United States.
  • Possession of a MD or DO degree
  • Possession of a California medical license (residents must have this license at the start of the residency). ā€‹The California license application process can take up to 6 months; residents should apply in December 2024 or early January 2025 to avoid delays. For questions concerning California medical licenses, contact the Medical Board of California. Please note that new Medical Board of California licensing requirements went into effect on January 1, 2022. Please visit the website for changes in licensing requirements under Senate Bill (SB) 806.

  • Successful completion of at least one year (PGY1) of supervised postgraduate training in a U.S. accredited clinical residency program, preferably in a primary care specialty (e.g., Pediatrics, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, or Transitional Year), although other types of internships are considered.

  • Acceptance into a California school of public health with which CDPH has an affiliation. These include the following schools from which you can obtain application information and materials through their admissions offices:

University of California, Berkeley
School of Public Health
50 University Hall, #7360
Berkeley, CA 94720-7360
Phone: (510) 643-0881

University of California, Davis
Department of Public Health Sciences
One Shields Ave., TB-168
Davis, CA 95616-8638
(530) 752-2793

University of California, Los Angeles
School of Public Health
16-035 Center for Health Sciences
P.O. Box 951772
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772
Phone: (310) 825-5524

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