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Resources for Ventilator-Equipped Skilled Nursing Facilities (vSNF) to Prevent Transmission of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs)ā€‹

This webpage is a resource guide for vSNFs or SNFs with subacute units. On this page you will find resources for training your staff in infection prevention and control (IPC) topics. Resources found on this page were specifically developed for the vSNF audience. Letā€™s work together to strengthen infection prevention practices and limit the spread of MDRO in our vSNF settings! 

For additional support, contactā€‹.ā€Æ 

ā€‹ā€‹IPC Training Topics ā€‹

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ā€‹Hand Hygiene 
Use the following introductory material to train and educate staff on the core infection prevention practice of hand hygiene. Note the pre-/post-test questions and training slides also include personal protective equipment and environmental cleaning and disinfection content. Use individually or all three in one training. ā€‹
  • Pre-/Post-test questions with answer key ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹
    Use the pre-/post-tests to evaluate staff knowledge before and after staff education. Available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF).  
  • ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹Training slides in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF) 
  • Flipchart: The flipchart provides hand hygiene content for on the go training. We recommend printing on ledger sized (11ā€ x 17ā€) paper, double-sided. Available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF). ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹
  • Reminders in the Workplace: Print and post or use as teaching tools and reminders at key spots in your facility. 
  • Handwashing Videā€‹ā€‹o (Opens in YouTube)ā€‹ā€‹
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ā€‹Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection
Use the following introductory material to train and educate staff on the core infection prevention practice of environmental cleaning and disinfection. Note the pre-/post-test questions and training slides also include hand hygiene and personal protective equipment content. Use individually or all three in one training.
  • Pre-/Post-test questions with answer key
    Use the pre-/post-tests to evaluate staff knowledge before and after staff education. Available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF).
  • Training slides in English (PDF) and Spanishā€‹ (PDF)
  • Flipchart: The flipchart corresponds with the above training slides and is a resource for on the go training. We recommend printing on ledger sized (11ā€ x 17ā€) paper, double-sided. Available in English (PDF) and Spanishā€‹ (PDF).
  • Reminders in the Workplace: Print and post or use as teaching tools and reminders at key spots in your facility.
  • C. auris Cleaning and Management Training Videoā€‹ (Opens in Vimeo)ā€‹
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ā€‹Personal Protective Equipment
Use the following introductory material to train and educate staff on the core infection prevention practice of personal protective equipment. Note the pre-/post-test questions and training slides also include hand hygiene and environmental cleaning and disinfection content. Use individually or all three in one training.
  • Pre-/Post-test questions with answer key ā€‹ā€‹
    Use the pre-/post-tests to evaluate staff knowledge before and after staff education. Available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF). 
  • ā€‹ā€‹Training slides in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF) ā€‹
  • Flipchart: The flipchart corresponds with the above training slides and is a resource for on the go training. We recommend printing on ledger sized (11ā€ x 17ā€) paper, double-sided. Available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF). ā€‹ā€‹
  • ā€‹Reminders in the Workplace (posters, flyers): Print and post or use as teaching tools and reminders at key spots in your facility. ā€‹

Evaluation and Feedback (Adherence Monitoring)

ā€‹Regular monitoring with feedback of results to staff can maintain or improve adherence to hand hygiene, environmental cleaning and education, and contact precautions practices. Use the following tools to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Adherence Monitoring Tools: Use the adherence monitoring tools to track progress over time. Monitoring may be performed in any type of patient care location.
Adherence Monitoring Feedback Tool and Instructions:  Use the feedback tools to share adherence monitoring data with staff and leadership. Use in conjunction with the corresponding adherence monitoring tools above.

Learning Resources for vSNF Leadership and Educatorsā€‹

ā€‹The following webinars were developed and shared as part of the vSNF Workgroup to Prevent MDRO. We list a suggested ā€˜start timeā€™ for each recording to skip over vSNF Workgroup-specific items. ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹
ā€‹ā€‹Infection Prevention Fundamentals ā€“ Part 1
The fundamentals course gives educators a comprehensive background on hand hygiene and environmental cleaning and disinfection.   
ā€‹Infection Prevention Fundamentals ā€“ Part 2, Introduction to Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs)
The fundamentals course gives educators a comprehensive background on personal protective equipment. The second half of presentation includes an Introduction to MDROs. 
ā€‹Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Strategies ā€“ Part 1: The Role of EVS Managers in Infection Prevention 
ā€‹Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Strategies ā€“ Part 2: Training and Evaluating EVS Staff 
ā€‹Creating a Risk Assessment or Infection Control Plan
ā€‹MDRO Case Studies in vSNF During the COVID-19 Pandemic
ā€‹Interfacility Transfer Communication
ā€‹Preventing Respiratory Infections in Ventilated Residents
ā€‹Infection Surveillance
ā€‹Sustaining IPC Practices
ā€‹Antimicrobial Prescribing and Transitions of Care Communication
ā€‹ā€‹Additional Resources
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