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Immunization Law Training for
School Staff (TKā€“12th Grade)

Welcome to free online training for schools TKā€“12th grades! These interactive modules are designed to support your efforts in implementing school immunization requirements.ā€‹ Training modules and objectives are listed below. Click on the links to begin.

A cartoon nurse Teresa

 Image of school staff thinking ā€œHigh immunization rates help prevent the spread of infectious diseases"

Module 1: Getting Started (7 mins)

  • Understand your role and identify resources

Module 2: California School Immunization Requirements (12 mins)

  • Define required vaccination abbreviations and names
  • Determine if students have received the number of doses required for each immunization

Module 3: California School Admission Requirements (15 mins)

  • Define unconditional and conditional admission
  • Define permanent medical exemption and temporary medical exemption
  • Determine if requirements are met for unconditional admission
  • Determine if requirements are met for conditional admission

Module 4: Processing School Immunization Records Part 1 (8 mins)

  • List the steps to process immunization records
  • Practice using the four steps to process student immunization records

Module 5: Processing School Immunization Records Part 2 (19 mins)

  • Identify student school immunization records that fall into the six reporting categories
  • Process international students and other transfers such as homeless and foster students

Module 6: Following Up on Conditional Entrantā€‹s (24 mins)

  • Process school immunization records with multiple follow-up dates.ā€‹
  • Follow up for continued attendance

 Modules 7 & 8: Reporting Immunizations (updated August 11, 2023)ā€‹

TK/Kindergartā€‹ā€‹en (21 mins)
7th Grade (18 mins)

  • Gather information necessary to report school/pre-k immunization information.
  • Complete the Immunization Assessment Worksheet.
  • Report your immunization information on the reporting website.

    If you viewed the trainings in the past, you may need to delete your browser history to view the updated modules.

ā€‹Module 9: How to Process Medical Exemptionsā€‹  (15 mins)ā€‹

  • ā€‹ā€‹Understand the basics about medical exemptions and the CAIR-ME website
  • Know what to do when you receive a medical exemption form
  • Know how to verify a medical exemption in the CAIR-ME websiteā€‹ā€‹

Interested in conductiā€‹ā€‹ng SLVEs?

Module 10: School-Located Vaccine Eventsā€‹

  • Describe the benefits ā€‹of school-located vaccination
  • Identify everyone who might be involved and resources needed to conduct an SLVE
  • Identify general issues with planning and executing an SLVEā€‹

View more training for Pre-Kindergarten Immunization Requirements (Child Care).ā€‹

For Instructors

Set up your own in-person training for school staff to reinforce what theyā€™ve learned from ā€‹the online training modules. The customizable presentations below includes a brief recap of requirements and updated student scenarios for hands-on practice of processing Blue Cards.ā€‹ā€‹

Note: Downloading Power Point files may be blocked by Microsoft Edge or Windows security on some networks. If you experience issues, try downloading files with a different browser or device.ā€‹

Elementary School Presentation

7thā€“12th Grade Presentation

Tell Us What You Thinkā€‹

Send us your feedback about the training modules by emailing with the subject line ā€œSchool Training Modules.ā€ If there is an issue with specific content, please include the name of the module, page number, and description. (Include a screen shot, if possible.)

Thank you!ā€‹ā€‹

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