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Laws and Regulations

There are a variety of state and federal laws and county policies related to immunizations.

vaccinne rights for children from low income family 

what diseases must be reported by health care providers


Consent to Immunization

There are no Federal or California State requirements for informed consent specifically relating to immunization.

Federal law requires that healthcare staff provide a Vaccine information Statement to a patient, parent, or legal representative before each dose of certain vaccines.

Minors 12 Years of Age or Older

Per Family Code section 6926, minors aged 12 years and older may consent to confidential medical services for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) without parental consent, including HPV and hepatitis B vaccination. Minors can receive some health care services without parental consent in Title X-funded clinics. ā€‹

ā€‹ Thimerosal (Mercury) Law

Thimerosal, used to prevent contamination of multi-dose vials of vaccines, contains mercury. California law prohibits administering mercury-containing vaccines to pregnant women or to children younger than three years of age. All routine vaccines are available in formulations that meet the law.

Report to the Legislature - The Immunization Status of Young Children in California


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