Parents-Toolkit Safe Schools For All Parents Toolkit

Note: This Toolkit is outdated and for historical purposes only.

Safe Schools For All Parents Toolkit

This page is designed to help parents, schools districts and local health departments keep kids safe for in person instruction. Below you will find ready-to-use digital resources that can be shared in your community and on social media.

Table of Contents

Toolkits - English

We're In This Together

California schools are making in-person learning safe for all. 

California schools are making in-person learning safe for all chidlrenCalifornia schools are making in-person learning safe for all children.

Schools are making in-person learning safe for children.School safety measures like wearing masks, ensuring good ventilation, handwashing, & staying home when sick reduce risk of COVID

The most common way kids get COVID is from an adult in their home. Parents can help protect children by getting vaccinated.California schools are making in-person learning safe for all children.

Minimizing Covid-19 Transmission 

Research has shown us how students can safely return to in-person learningā€”and parents play an essential role. 

Masks, handwashing, and staying home when sick are proven to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools. COVID-19 testing can detect the virus before someone feels sick, which helps prevent it from spreading in schools.

Parents can protect their children and keep schools safe by getting vaccinated.How parents can help prevent COVID-19 transmission in schools.

Stay informed and engaged. Talk to your child's school about their COVID-19 safety planRemind your child to wear their mask at school and wash their hands frequently. If your child is sick keep them home & get test

The best protection against COVID-19 is the vaccine. Parents and students can help stop tranmission by getting vaccinatedHow parents can help prevent COVID-19 transmission in schools.

Keeping Safe During Fall Activities

California's schools safety guidelines make it possible for students to enjoy sports and other activities again. 

Californiaā€™s school safety guidelines make it possible for students to enjoy sports and other activities again. Keep COVID-19 out of school sports by following safety guidelines on and off the field.

How schools are reducing the spread of COVID-19 during sports.Masks are required for most indoor sports, in school buildings and on school-based transportation.

No sharing water bottles.Team members get tested on a regular basis.

All eligible student athletes, coaches, parents, and adults are encouraged to get vaccinated.Californiaā€™s school safety guidelines make it possible for students to enjoy sports and other activities again.

What to do if your child is exposed to Covid-19

Its important to know what to do if your child is exposed to Covid-19. 

If your child has been exposed to COVID-19 have them tested right away and talk to their doctor and school. Fully vaccinated children do not have to quarantine after exposure to COVID-19, as long as they donā€™t show symptoms.

What to do if your child has been exposed to COVID-19.If your child is unvaccinated have them tested ASAP. Keep them home & watch for symptoms for 14 days.

Even if your child is fully vaccinated, get them tested immediately if they develop symptoms within 14 days of exposure. Watch out for COVID symptoms. Fevers, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, etc.

In certain cases children who have been exposed to COVID-19 may be allowed to remain in school with masks on.If your child has been exposed to COVID-19 have them tested right away and talk to their doctor and school.

Benefits of In-Person Learning

Working together, parents and schools can help support our children's well-being with safe in-person learning. 

Keeping schools open for in-person learning promotes the mental, social-emotional and academic well-being of students & familiesWorking together, parents and schools can support our childrenā€™s well-being with safe in-person learning.

How to support childrenā€™s well-being with safe in-person learning.Teach your child how to properly wear a mask and wash their hands.

If theyā€™re feeling sick, keep them at home, contact the school, talk to their doctor and get them tested for COVID-19.Get vaccinated for COVID-19, along with anyone in your household who is eligible for the vaccine.

In-person learning prmotes children's mental, emotional and academic well-beingIn-person learning prmotes children's mental, emotional and academic well-being

Be prepared & Ask questions

Parents and guardians can help keep kids healthy by checking regularly for COVID-19 symptoms. Parents, stay informed and engaged. 

Parents play an important role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping kids at school.If your child has been exposed to COVID-19, let their school know and stay in communication.

Parents and teachers: united to keep all kids at school safe from COVID-19Parents play an important role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping kids at school.

Checking regularly for COVID-19 symptoms.Check for possible COVID-19 exposure.

Watch for COVID symptoms. Fevers, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, etc.If your child has symptoms get them tested, keep them home until you get their test results, stay in contact with their schooll

Toolkits - Spanish

Estamos juntos en esto

Las escuelas estĆ”n haciendo que clases en persona sean seguras para todos. 

Las escuelas de California hacen que el aprendizaje en persona sea seguro para los ninosLas escuelas de California hacen que el aprendizaje en persona sea seguro para los ninos

Las medidas de seguridad escolar como el uso de mascarillas, una buenca ventilacion, el lavado de manos y quesdarse en casa La forma mas comun de que los ninos contraigan COVID-19 es por medio de algun adulto del hogar.Las escuelas de California hacen que el aprendizaje en persona sea seguro para los ninos

Reduciendo la transmisiĆ³n del COVID-19

Se ha investigado cĆ³mo los estudiantes pueden regresar de manera segura a la escuela y con ayuda de los padres. 

Las mascarillas, el lavado de manos y quedarse en casa al estar enfermo evitan la transmisiĆ³n de COVID-19 en las escuelas. La prueba de COVID-19 puede detectar el virus, y ayuda reducir transmisiĆ³n en las escuelas

Los padres pueden proteger a sus niƱos y mantener las escuelas seguras vacunĆ”ndose. CĆ³mo pueden los padres ayudar a prevenir la transmisiĆ³n de COVID-19 en la escuela

InfĆ³rmate y participa. Habla con la escuela de tu niƱo(a) sobre su plan de seguridad contra el COVID-19.RecuĆ©rdale a tu niƱo(a) que use su mascarilla en la escuela y que se lave las manos con frecuencia.

Los padres y los estudiantes pueden ayudar a detener la transmisiĆ³n vacunĆ”ndose.

Seguros durante las actividades de otoƱo

Las guĆ­as de seguridad lo hacen posible que lo estudiantes disfruten de los deportes y otras actividades de nuevo. 

Las medidas de seguridad escolar permiten que los estudiantes vuelvan a disfrutar los deportes y otras actividades.Las medidas de seguridad escolar permiten que los estudiantes vuelvan a disfrutar los deportes y otras actividades.Mantengamos el COVID-19 lejos de los deportes escolares siguiendo las medidas de seguridad dentro y fuera del campo de juego.Mantengamos el COVID-19 lejos de los deportes escolares siguiendo las medidas de seguridad dentro y fuera del campo de juego.

QuƩ hacer si tu hijo(a) estƔ expuesto al COVID

Es importante saber quĆ© hacer si tu hijo(a) se contagia con el COVID-19. 

Si tu niƱo ha sido expuesto al COVID-19, hazle la prueba de inmediato y habla con su mĆ©dico y su escuela. Los niƱos totalmente vacunados no tienen que hacer cuarentena mientras no tengan sĆ­ntomas. Si tu niƱo ha sido expuesto al COVID-19, hazle la prueba de inmediato y habla con su mĆ©dico y su escuela.  QuĆ© hacer si tu niƱo(a) ha sido expuesto al COVID-19.Si tu niƱo(a) no estĆ” vacunado, hazle la prueba de inmediato ā€“ aunque no tenga sĆ­ntomas. Si tu niƱo(a) no estĆ” vacunado, hazle la prueba de inmediato ā€“ aunque no tenga sĆ­ntomas. Permanece atento a los sĆ­ntomas del COVID-19A veces a los niƱos que han sido expuestos al COVID-19 se les podrĆ­a permitir permanecer en la escuela usando mascarilla.

Beneficios de la escuela en persona

Juntos, los padres y las escuelas pueden ayudar a apoyar el bienestar de nuestros hijos(as) con clases seguras en persona. 

Trabajando juntos, los padres y las escuelas pueden promover la salud de nuestros niƱos con un aprendizaje seguro en persona.Trabajando juntos, los padres y las escuelas pueden promover la salud de nuestros niƱos con un aprendizaje seguro en persona.El aprendizaje en persona promueve el bienestar mental, emocional y acadĆ©mico de los niƱos.CĆ³mo promover la salud de los niƱos con un aprendizaje seguro en persona.

PrepƔrate y haz preguntas

Los padres pueden ayudar a mantener a los hijos(as) sanos al detectar sĆ­ntomas de COVID-19. Padres, mantĆ©nganse listos y preparados. 

La participaciĆ³n de los padres es importante para prevenir la infecciĆ³n del COVID-19 y mantener a tus hijos(as) en la escuela.Si tu niƱo(a) ha sido expuesto(a) a COVID-19, informa a su escuela y permanece en contacto.Estar atento a la aparicion de sintomas de COVID-19Verifica si ha habido una posible exposiciĆ³n al COVID-19: hazle la prueba de COVID-19 en los Ćŗltimos 10 dĆ­asPermanece atento a los sĆ­ntomas del COVID-19Si tu niƱo tiene algĆŗn sĆ­ntoma de COVID-19, hazle la prueba de COVID-19 y llama a su mĆ©dico

Infographics - English

How Vaccines WorkGet the facts about the vaccine. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public HealthThe benefits of getting your family vaccinated. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public HealthWhat to do if your child is exposed to COVID-19. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public HealthFrequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 ExposureHow to safely send your child to schoolThe science behind reopening schools safely

Infographics - Spanish

Como funcionan las vacunas contra la COVID-19Conozca los datos sobre la vacunaVentajas de vacunar a tu familiaQuƩ hacer si tu niƱo(a) es expuesto a COVID-19 Preguntas frecuentes sobre el contagio del COVID-19Como enviar a tu nino(a) a la escuela de manera seguraDatos cientificos detras de la reapertura segura de las escuelas

Graphic Interchange Format (GIFs)

Short animated videos that play on loop without sound that can be used for various platforms like social media, blogs, instant messaging applications and much more!

CA leads the nation in multi-layered Covid-19 safety measures in schools Together, lets ensure a safe environment for in-person learning. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health

If your child feels sick, keep them home. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health  If your child feels sick, keep them home. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health Covid testing is available for students in many districts and schools.  Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health  Covid testing is available for students in many districts and schools.  Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health Parents and guardians and anyone in the household who is eligible, should get vaccinated. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public California schools are making in-person learning safe for all. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health  Thank you, school staff and parents, for protecting our children. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health  Thank you, school staff and parents, for protecting our children. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health  Washing hands regularly prevents the spread of Covid-19. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public HealthWashing hands regularly prevents the spread of Covid-19. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health Talk to your children about the importance of wearing masks properly. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health Talk to your children about the importance of wearing masks properly. Ā© 2021 California Department of Public Health

Photonovelas - English

Help keep schools safeHow does the COVID-19 vaccine work

Kids get more than academics in schoolLet's keep kids in school

Staying safe after exposureWhat are COVID-19 variants

Fotonovelas - Spanish

Ayuda a mantener las escuelas a salvoComo funciona la vacuna contra el COVID-19?

El aprendizaje en persona es importante para nuestros ninos.Mantengamos a los ninos en la escuela.

Como permanecer a salvo despues de exponerse.Que son las variantes del COVID-19?
