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Sexually transmitted diseases control branch

Find STI Testing Pregnant Person 
STI Prevention for Women and People Who Are or Can Become Pregnant

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common and most STIs donā€™t have symptoms. The only way to know if you have an STI is to get tested. 

Take care of yourself and your sexual partners by making STI testing a routine part of your health care, especially if you are considering becoming pregnant or are currently pregnant. Certain STIs, including syphilis and HIV, can be passed from pregnant person to baby during pregnancy or delivery. Other STIs, like chlamydia and gonorrheaā€‹ can be passed from pregnant person to baby during delivery. ā€‹

Order free HIV home test

Find STI and Sexual Health Services Near You 

Get STI Testing at Home 

If you arenā€™t currently pregnant, free at-home STI testing is a great option. 

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