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Injury and violence prevention (ivp) Branch

Sexual Violence Prevention


A clipboard with a survey attached, along with three people standing infront.

ā€‹Rape Prevention and Education Program Reducing Risk for Sexual Violence among Youth (2021ā€“2022) (PDF, 7.63 MB): This brief report highlights participant-level findings from pre-post surveys collected by 14 RPE projects from August 2021 to July 2022, providing SV prevention practitioners and partners a snapshot of the RPE Programā€™s impact on risk factors for sexual and dating violence in California.

ā€‹Two people discussing
ā€‹Rape Prevention and Education Program Making Changes in Communities (2021ā€“2022) (PDF, 13.95 MB): This brief report summarizes process and community outcome data from agencies implementing the RPE Program across California during their third year of project implementation, from August 2021 to July 2022, in order to inform SV prevention practitioners. 
ā€‹Group of people hold hands in concentric circles. Some look up towards the sky, and others look forward.
ā€‹Rape Prevention and Education Program Demonstrates Important Steps Towards Preventing Sexual Violence in California Communities (PDF, 5.5 MB): This brief report represents outcome data from pre/post surveys collected by rape crisis centers across California during their first year-and-a-half of project implementation, from February 2019 to July 2021.
ā€‹Four people working together to fit life-size puzzle pieces together

ā€‹Rape Prevention and Education Program Creates Community and Systemic Change in California (PDF) (4.9MB): This brief report represents community outcome data from these 24 rape crisis centers during their second year of project implementation, from August 2020 to July 2021.
ā€‹Three people connect pieces of a large puzzle together which is going up vertically.
ā€‹Rape Prevention and Education Program Achieves Successes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF) (8.6MB): ā€‹This brief report represents process data from 24 rape crisis centers during their second year of project implementation, from August 2020 to July 2021, and documents their implementation during the major disruptions presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic and social upheaval.
Economic Security and Preventing Sexual Violenceā€‹
ā€‹Preventing Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls: Whatā€™s Economics Got to Do With It? (2022) (PDF) (1.55MB): This infographic highlights the connection between economic security and sexual violence prevention. Strengthening investments in policies and programs for economic security can help prevent sexual violence.

Opportunities to Empower and Support Girls and Women in California: An Environmental Scan of Leadership Opportunities and Economic Supports to Prevent Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Teen Dating Violence 2021 (PDF)(1.55MB): This resource represents an initial exploration of how leadership opportunities and economic supports can serve as violence prevention strategies for girls and women. This report uses an environmental scan methodology to understand the following inter-related issues: 1) Context of Gender Equity in California; 2) Challenges Facing Girls and Women; and 3) Economic Supports & Leadership Opportunities. 

ā€‹Sexual Violence Research
ā€‹2020 Sexual Violence Research: This report by ValorUS (formerly CALCASA) highlights findings from a systemic review of the literature from 2015ā€“2019.
ā€‹top SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence 2016
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Violence Prevention released a technical package with strategies to help communities and states sharpen their prevention strategies against sexual violence and its consequences. Stop SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence 2016 is available on the CDCā€™s website.


Sexual Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements, CDC and National Center for Injury Prevention Control 2014 is a document designed to promote and improve consistency of sexual violence surveillance across organizations.

ā€‹Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence 2014
Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence 2014: This brief shares research on connections between different forms of violence and describes how these connections affect communities.
ā€‹CDC Preventing Sexual Violence 2021
ā€‹CDC Preventing Sexual Violence 2021: Factsheet on defining sexual violence.
ā€‹National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 2015 Data Brief
National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 2015 Data Brief - Updated Release: This brief presents highlights from the 2015 data year of NISVS covering specific intimate partner related impacts, describing the wide range of experiences associated with IPV victimization.
ā€‹Berkeley Media Studies Group- Getting Attention for Prevention
Berkeley Media Studies Group- Getting Attention for Prevention - Guidelines for Effective Communication About Preventing Sexual Violence Report: This guide will help you develop effective messages about preventing sexual harassment, abuse, and assault that will resonate with different audiences across a variety of settings.
ā€‹Statewide Assessment of Sexual Harassment and Assault- Measuring #MeToo in California, May 2019
Statewide Assessment of Sexual Harassment and Assault- Measuring #MeToo in California, May 2019: This report presents the findings of a state representative survey conducted online in Februaryā€“March 2019.
ā€‹The Cost and Consequences of Sexual Violence in California 2018
The Cost and Consequences of Sexual Violence in California 2018: This report released by ValorUS (formerly CALCASA) examines the overall impact and consequences of sexual violence on Californiaā€™s economy, local communities, and the health and general well-being of its population.
Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation: This report released by Raliance analyzes the progress in the movement to end sexual violence by highlighting some key events and activities.
2018 Close to Home Community Mobilization Project Brief: Preventing Domestic Violence, Teen Dating Violence & Sexual Violence (PDF) highlights the final outcomes and lessons learned from local community mobilization projects implemented from 2014ā€“2018. Close to Home is a promising strategy that engages community members to design solutions for domestic and sexual violence prevention. CDPH will sustain community-driven approaches in future programming to prevent violence by leveraging he CDPH Domestic Violence Training and Education Program and the Rape Prevention and Education Program.
ā€‹Violence Prevention Report Cover
Preventing Violence in California Volume 1: The Role of Public Health (PDF) provides a broad overview of the complex topic of violence prevention. The purpose of this report is to strengthen the understanding of the governmental public health role in violence prevention,  to better address the connections among the different forms of violence, shape future funding initiatives and guide our collaborative efforts with partners across the state.
ā€‹A Health Equity Approach To Violence

A Health Equity Approach to Preventing Sexual Violence Prevention: This joint publication by the Prevention Institute and National Sexual Violence Resource Center dives into how advancing health equity within sexual violence prevention work means that we all must address deep-rooted abuses of power that contribute to inequities in health, safety, and wellbeing. A health equity approach to preventing sexual violence means that we need to both understand and address the factors that contribute to violence and safety and factors that expose some communitiesā€”especially communities that face historic and present day oppressionā€”to higher rates of sexual violence.

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