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Occupational health branch

Vaccines and Boosters

COVID-19 Tools for Workers

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Social Media: English

Food processing workers at a tomato packing facility. Text: The COVID-19 vaccine works for you while you're busy working for your family.Man getting vaccinated then later back at work. Text: Don't stop at just one...

ā€‹Construction worker speaking with his supervisor. He has a bandage on his upper arm indicating he received the vaccineā€‹Pipefitter adjusting industrial pipe, bandage on his upper arm. Text: If youā€™ve had COVID-19 before, you can get it again ...ā€‹



Woman with bandage on arm. Text: The COVID-19 vaccine is free. Find out when itā€™s your turn and get it as soon as you canā€¦

Woman in facemask holding arm with bandaid, vaccine syringe nearby. Text: Minor side effects, major protection. ā€‹

Poster: Englishā€‹

Construction worker talking to his supervisor. In the background we see him with his family. Text: Taking care of yourself at work is taking care of your family.ā€‹

Woman flexes her muscle and shows off a bandage on her arm. Text: Minor side effects, major protection. You might have ...

GIFS: Englishā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

ā€‹A woman wearing gloves works on an assembly line where papers pass by on a conveyer belt. Above her it says: ā€œWORRIED ABOUT GETTING COVID AT WORK?ā€  She picks up a piece of paper and the camera zooms in on it and zooms out showing a hand holding a COVID-19 Vaccination Card. To the right of the hand, it says: ā€œTHEREā€™S SOMETHING THAT CAN HELP WITH THATā€.  Then the words on the card disappear and are replaced with the California Department of Public Health logo and the website: woman with a mask holding up a Covid vaccine card.Get vaccinated and boosted. A woman holding uo a box of produce in a field. A woman in front of boxes of produce with the logo for The California Department of Public Health. ā€‹

Social Media: Spanish

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ā€‹Trabajadores en un empacador de tomates. Texto: Deja que la vacuna COVID-19 trabaja para ti mientras tu trabajas para sus seres queridos...Un hombre recogiendo su receta en la farmacia. En otra escena el esta en el trabajo como chofer del bus. Texto: No te quedes con solo una ...ā€‹
ā€‹ā€‹Un plomero arreglando un tubo. Texto: Si has tenido COVID-19 antes, puedes volver a contraerloā€‹Trabajador de construccion hablando con su supervisor. En otra escena el esta en casa con su familia. Texto: Cuidarte en el trabajo es cuidar a tu familiaā€‹
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