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Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division

Medi-Cal Factor Table

Adolescent Family Life Program
Percent of Births with Medi-Cal as Expected Source of Payment 1
To Moms Ages 21 and Under
Updated February 2024
County/City Number of Births 3, 4 Number of Medi-Cal Paid Deliveries 2, 4 % Medi-Cal Paid Deliveries 5
California 29,995 22,162 73.9
Butte 164 125 76.2
Contra Costa 590 189 32.0
Fresno 1,488 1,299 87.3
Kern 1,543 1,263 81.9
Kings 257 186 72.4
Los Angeles 6,046 4,745 78.5
248 221 89.1
1,545 1,173 75.9
2,389 1,813 75.9
Sacramento 1,196 900 75.3
San Diego 2,379 1,374 57.8
Santa Barbara 712 654 91.9
736 556 75.5ā€‹
Ventura6 635 522 88.7


  1. Medi-Cal as expected principal source of payment for births to moms ages 21 and under
  2. Numerator: Number of Medi-Cal paid births to moms ages 21 and under
  3. Denominator: Number of live births to moms ages 21 and under
  4. Exclusions: Non-California residents and unknown payment source for delivery
  5. Numbers and percents not shown for fewer than 10 events in the numerator
  6. Uses alternate MCF for AFLP. Data source from Annual AFLP Data Summary FY 22-23.

Data Source

2022 California Comprehensive Master Birth File

Prepared by

Epidemiology, Surveillance and Federal Reporting Section
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division
Center for Family Health
California Department of Public Healthā€‹ā€‹

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